Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting

Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting

Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting(310) 880-9647     Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting Email Us    Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting Free Quotes; no Obligation

* See Types of Hazardous Materials we Manage *

Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California with decades of experience in the remediation & removal of HAZMAT, HazWaste, RCRA, Contaminated Soils, and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) using our special HAZMAT Licensing and SCAQMD-1166 Permitting. Let us help you maintain a Hazardous Waste Business Plan (HWBP) and Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) compliant with DTSC and California environmental regulations.

Having maintained numerous Landfills, SUPERFUND/CERCLAs, and contaminated cleanup sites for decades, we have the expertise in Waste Characterization to suit your needs with detailed Analytical Profiling for Waste Streams, inventory, construction debris, pollutants, leaks and spills, and more. We’ll keep you environmentally compliant.

Among other matrices, we often sample unknown liquids and solids for TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons), Flash Point, CAM-Metals, SVOCs (Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds), VOCs, PCB (Polychlorinated Bisphenols), and more. This is critical for DTSC compliance, off-site disposal at TSDF Landfills, and hazardous waste management.

For Water Board-related testing, we regularly sample pH, turbidity, TSS (Total Suspended Solids), O&G (Oil and Grease), and other matrices required for Industrial General Permit compliance and local TMDL receiving waters. Our QISPs will keep you Water-Board compliant while we do your annual sampling and rain event analytical.

**Unlike most environmental companies,** we have the state’s rare Hazardous Substances Removal License (#833333) to safely work with, remediate, and remove contaminated and toxic materials, Manifesting them safely to licensed TSDF Landfills from cradle to grave. We also do Level B/Supplied Air Work and Lab Pack Management. We are licensed for hazardous waste disposal/transportation through DTSC, EPA, DOT, and FMCSA Registration #7097, EPA #CAL000482049. If we can’t fit it on our trucks, our partners will while we use our licensing to oversee comprehensive Hazardous Substances management and compliance.

We are also a certified Waste Tire/Used Tire Recycler through CalRecycle to help assist with your site’s Zero Waste goals and California-compliant waste management.

More importantly, UNLIKE environmental companies, we actually have our own manual labor (HAZWOPER certified) to help with environmental cleanups, site maintenance and repairs, trash and concrete/scrap hauling, and other tractor work. This means we get the job done ourselves and aren’t just charging you “scientist rates” to bring in shovels or pick up trash.

Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.

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Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting
MBE Certified
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Waste Characterization / HAZMAT Manifesting
US Federal Contractor