Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming

Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming

Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming(310) 880-9647     Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming Email Us    Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming Free Quotes; no Obligation

Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California with decades of experience in Weed Abatement, Fire Mitigation, Vegetation Management, and Vegetation Removal using hand-held weed whacking, Tractor mowing, Tree Removal, trimming, stump removal and stump grinding, Vacant Lot Maintenance, sawing, hand work, and other methods that suit your Jobsite’s specific layout. We use the latest wood chippers, radio-guided stump grinders, commercial saws, and more.

We are licensed C-27 (Landscaping, Landscape Architecture, Arborist/Tree Work) in the State of California (#833333) and Public Works certified.

We are also the ONLY company with full manual labor services with a 40-hour HAZWOPER-certified team.

If needed, we also specialize in Vegetation & Trash Hauling to remove the Green Waste from your Jobsite.

Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.

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Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming
MBE Certified
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Tree Removal, Stump Removal, & Tree Trimming
US Federal Contractor