Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services

Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services

Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services(310) 880-9647     Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services Email Us    Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services Free Quotes; no Obligation

Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California with decades of experience in maintenance, compliance, BMP Installations, Green Infrastructure Development (GID), Habitat Restoration, Water Quality Testing, and site services in sensitive Wetlands and Watersheds throughout Southern California, both on contaminated brownfields and at tightly regulated coastal developmental projects.

We are unique as the only company that can simultaneously provide the field labor needed to maintain and install BMPs (protection barriers, sediment traps, detention and retention basins, or inlet protection), the engineering licenses to design them, the Stormwater licenses (QSD) to write SWPPP plans and Water Board permits, the SWPPP professionals (QSPs) to certify Stormwater inspections, and the licensed Erosion Professionals (CPESCs) who can protect your sensitive soils, embankments, and waters from job-related degradation and the expensive fines that come with it. We’ll help protect your local TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Load), sediment load, pH, turbidity, and other key environmental risk factors. We also have years of experience in Vault Repair/Maintenace Work at Superfunds and landfills.

We also assist with Bioassay Studies/molecular absorption studies and analytical for plants, vegetation, animals, and more.

We have decades of experience in Soil Vapor Gas Monitoring, including for methane with FID Meters, for hydrocarbons/VOCs with PID Meters, and Radon Mitigation/Measurement. We also do Sewage Cleanups/Sewer work with proper vacuuming/pumping services, respirators, and H2S/hydrogen sulfide and oxygen monitoring protocols.

We also have years of experience in field support for biological studies, pest abatement, Weed Abatement & Vegetation Management, and sensitive species protection (especially coyotes, frogs, and indigenous plants). We also have California Falconry/Hawking Licenses to help with rodent abatement that might disturb soil sealants, geotextile membranes, and protective liners.

We are also experts in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) design and installation, being the only contractor in Southern California who can combine our landscape architecture licenses (C-27), soil management and erosion protection licenses, Water Board and stormwater licenses, and civil engineering licenses for your project.

We’ll help make your Jobsite, Development, Brownfield, or Property compliant with Coastal Commission, AQMD, DTSC, and local environmental regulations.

Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.

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Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services
MBE Certified
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Wetlands & Watershed Protection Services
US Federal Contractor