(310) 880-9647
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Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California specializing in Environmental Compliance Services and Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) on private developments, public works, and brownfields, as well as Wetlands Protection & Watershed Protection.
In order to keep you compliant with local, DTSC, AQMD, Rule 1466, and Coastal Commission regulations, this may include Soil Sampling, Soil Gas Vapor monitoring (PIDs & FIDs), hazardous waste disposal/transportation, Radon Mitigation/NORM/Radioactive Work, Mold inspections/remediation, Waste Characterization, fire/disaster response cleanups, and more. We also do comprehensive dust/air monitoring for some of the most acutely hazardous sites in California.
We also specialize in Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 1 and 2) and the resultant Oil Well Abandonment Cleanups that often occur. Let us do your Water Quality Testing for PFAS (“Forever Chemicals”), Lead, Radon Gas, and more. We have independent Indoor Environmental Professionals (IEP) on call for third-party analysis and clearance verification.
More uniquely, we are one of the only environmental corporations that does our own field work to keep you compliant. This includes BMP installations, site cleanups, fence repair, graffiti removal, Sign design and installation, erosion protection, and more. This means our QSDs/QSPs/QISPs will help certify and enforce your site’s SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) and Water Board Permitting, our CPESCs/CISECS (Erosion Professionals) can keep you compliant with local stormwater and soil regulations and protect storm drain inlets and sensitive waters, and our Field Labor teams can actually do the necessary field work so you don’t have to sub it out to another company charging you prevailing wage markups. We are fully public works licensed and all our laborers are 40-hour HAZWOPER certified.
We are also Indoor Environmental Air Quality Professionals focusing on carcinogen mitigation, providing a wider range of competencies than any competitor. This includes Radon gas, VOCs, Mold and mycotoxins, formaldehyde, soot/ash/smoke, and dust/air quality monitoring.
We are also experts in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and Green Infrastructure (GI) design and installation, being the only contractor in Southern California who can combine our landscape architecture licenses (C-27), soil management and erosion protection licenses, Water Board and stormwater licenses, and civil engineering licenses for your project.
Lastly, UNLIKE environmental companies, we have the General Engineering “A”-HAZ and California’s rare Hazardous Substances Removal License (#833333), plus the AQMD-1166 “Various Sites” permits that gives us full authority to haul and excavate contaminated soil, Underground Storage Tanks, and more. We are licensed HAZMAT transporters through DTSC, EPA, DOT, and FMCSA Registration #7097, EPA #CAL000482049. If we can’t fit it on our trucks, our partners will while we use our licensing to oversee comprehensive Hazardous Substances management and compliance.
Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.