Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management

Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management

Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management(310) 880-9647     Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management Email Us    Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management Free Quotes; no Obligation

Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California with decades of experience in Brownfield Management and comprehensive maintenance on Landfills, DTSC Cleanup Sites, refineries, and SUPERFUND/CRCLA sites across Southern California.

The Mayfield engineers (including its predecessor Mayfield Enterprises) have longstanding contracts at sensitive sites such as ASCON Landfill, BKK Landfill, Cal Compact Landfill, OII Superfund, Torrance Chemical Superfund, Exide Battery Superfund, and have previously worked on various tasks at WDI Superfund, Stringfellow Acid Pits, and more.

With our General Engineering “A” and Hazardous Substance Removal License (#833333) and HAZMAT engineers on staff, we are the team you want managing your sensitive project from start to finish. This makes us equipped to write your Hazardous Waste Business Plan (HWBP), cleanup HazWaste leaks, remove 55-Gallon Drums, cleanup contaminated soils with our SCAQMD-1166 permits, remove Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), and more. We also do Level B/Supplied Air Work. We also do Radon Measurement & Radioactive Materials Work (NORM).

We are your comprehensive partners for Landfill/Brownfield/Superfund maintenance, including general Site Services, Best Management Practices (BMPs), Weed Abatement and Landscaping Services, BMP Installations & Silt Fence, Fence Repair & Installation, Sandbag and Wattle & Geotextile, Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Dust Control, Safety Equipment and Traffic Control, Road Repairs and Grading, Hydroseeding, Tree Removal, Graffiti Removal/Industrial Painting, Demolition & Bobcat Services, Homeless Encampment Cleanups, Trash and Waste Hauling, Roll-Off Bin delivery and hauling, Environmental Compliance and signage design, and other services that suit your Jobsite’s specific layout. We also do Road Repair/Asphalt Patching with our QSPs’ environmental compliance in force.

We also have years of experience in Vault Repair/Maintenace Work at Superfunds and landfills. This includes electrical work, plumbing, dewatering/pumping, repairs, monitoring, and more services, including all requirements for Supplied Air, degassing H2S, and more.

With our extensive Stormwater services (Qualified SWPPP Developer/QSD, QSP, Industrial QISP, CPESC, CISEC, CPMSM, etc.), we will help maintain your SWPPP plan, inspections, local regulations with the Coastal Commission, Water Board, and MS4s/sewer systems. We have miles of fire hose and pumps for Dewatering and Waste-Water Pumping.

We are also the ONLY company with full Weed Abatement & Vegetation Management services with a 40-hour HAZWOPER-certified team. We are licensed C-27 (Landscaping, Landscape Architecture, Arborist/Tree Work) in the State of California (#833333) and Public Works certified.

All our manual laborers are 40-hour HAZWOPER certified, meaning that our team comes both licensed and knowledgeable to safely perform your needed tasks, and at a much lower cost than operators or engineers. We are licensed HAZMAT transporters through DTSC, EPA, DOT, and FMCSA Registration #7097, EPA #CAL000482049. If we can’t fit it on our trucks, our partners will while we use our licensing to oversee comprehensive Hazardous Substances management and compliance.

All our employees sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (within legal parameters), keeping sensitive information within appropriate channels.

We will help make your Jobsite, Development, or Brownfield OSHA, AQMD, DTSC, & environmentally compliant.

Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.

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Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management
MBE Certified
Mayfield Environmental Solutions | Landfill/Brownfield/Superfunds/CRCLA Management
US Federal Contractor